Friday, September 14, 2012

Time Management...

The biggest time management challenge I have happens when I decide to put too many things on my plate. I become overwhelmed, stressed, and tired. When I went to middle school I realized that I was a very slow worker. A thirty minute assignment would normally take me an hour to complete. My speed became an issue for me to add new projects to my list. I had trouble trying to juggle school, sports, and work. I had to drop the sport even though I enjoyed playing.
          A time management tool that works for me is writing out a schedule for the week. Then in the mornings I usually decide the specifics for a particular day. If I know what I will be doing ahead of time I will be less likely to overbook. Also, I like to write out what the activities are that I would like to be a part of. Then I will cross out the ones that are less appealing to me, during class time, or when I normally do work study. Finally if two events are at the same time I will cross out the one that has fewer benefits for me. Benefits meaning convocation credit, recital credit, SSS credit, informational orientations, and clubs or organizations. Detriments would be parties, movie nights, going out late to eat on a school night, and activities that do not hold my interest.
            The advice I would give to others is to make a basic skeleton schedule. After the important and priority items are planned, start to put down the interesting and fun activities. Lastly I would advise not to overbook a schedule. If the schedule becomes overbooked because of commitment to many activities, or an activity becomes very active, I would advise to drop a commitment. Also a person could simply explain that it is not possible to complete this particular event at this time. I recommend for this reason to leave some space between activities for lateness, random weather changes, unknown emergencies, and even alien invasions. 


  1. Yep, you definitely have to leave room in your schedule for those alien invasions. :-)

    No, really, it's a good idea to leave holes in your schedule, as SOMETHING always seems to come up that you hadn't planned on. And being careful not to take on too many commitments is really important. Remember--hopefully life will be long, and some of those things that you don't have time to do now may become possible later.

    It seems that you have a good self-scheduling process down, and that's great!

  2. I can definitely relate to this blog entry!! I have done the same thing and piled multiple things on my plate as well. You did such a good job writing this also! The only thing that gave me a little trouble was the white "highlighting" around the black lettering, but I'm sure it's because my eyes are "ADD". :) Good job Elsie!

    1. I fixed the "highlighting" just for you buddy (but secretly I wasn't sure how to fix it until just a little while ago) :]

  3. I find that I need to write a schedule too. It just helps me know what I have coming. Good Advice.

  4. This is really good advice, I just don't have enough will power to follow it. Alien invasions definitely factor into my schedule.

  5. Don't forget the ZOMBIES! Time managing is hard, and you certainly do a better job at it than I do. I mean come on, we've known each other for how long and I'm still not organized? You give excellent advice and the flow of the text was really great. The only thing I have a little problem with, as Meredith stated, is the highlighting of the words. It's pretty, but sometimes you have to make it just less pretty. :)

    1. I didn't even like the highlighting part tho :{ that's what sucked about the whole template. :[ I just figured out how to change it. :] Now everyone can read my black on white print :] and you gotta give yourself credit. Don't you remember when I was doing homework and I almost missed SSS till you reminded me that it was at 1 and not 2? :] I would be lost without you <3
