Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Traditions

The tradition I would start is a Trick-or-Treat for the students on campus.  This way people who are too old to Trick-or-Treat can still dress up and get candy. There could be rules like there is a designated hour for each class to go around and get candy. That way everyone could get the chance to get candy and to give candy. For people who do not want to participate they can leave their doors closed and the people who want to participate can keep their doors open as long as they want.
Possible problems with this tradition could be people not going returning to their dorms when their time to go door to door is over. This would ruin the experience for the other students that have been giving out candy. Another problem would be the guests rule. Anyone could just walk through the school in a costume and no one knows who that person is, or even if that person was invited or is a criminal in the making. Even if that wasn't a problem students probably wouldn't want to sign their guests in all the different dorms. So I would suggest making it a Converse student only event.
                Another idea would be if the school had an event for kids, where parents know it’s a safe environment for kids to be in. Students could fill out a form to “adopt” a little monster or princess for the night and take them around campus to Trick-or-Treat. I do think a lot of the students would think this is adorable and would want to participate. This would be helpful for kids who don’t live in a neighborhood, or if their parents have to work late and can’t take them out to go have fun. All the candy would be safe to eat and the parents wouldn't have to worry about their kids getting lost or abducted.
                If the little kids Trick-or-Treating could work it could be possible that a Big-sis Little-sis tradition could happen. For kids whose parents can’t afford costumes or kids who live in group homes or foster homes or even sick kids in a hospital could be “adopted” by a student and they could buy or make a costume for the child. Then afterwards they could be brought to campus and go around the dorms. If some of the students want to participate but aren't that great with kids or didn't have enough time or money to help they could always dress up as someone kids like and be greeters around campus. They could dress like Disney, Marvel, DC, or any other character (kind of like Disney world).These people would help with making sure the kids are safe, and helping them if they are lost and just helping out where needed.
                For the kids who might be sick and in the hospital probably wouldn't be able to leave the hospital so a solution to that could be a group of students going to these places and doing a skit, or playing music, or games, or reading to them. Mostly just letting the kids have a fun Halloween. If they are not allowed even leave their rooms students could go room to room and give them candy, so it would be the reverse of Trick-or-Treating. Finally if they kids couldn't have candy there could be a goody bag with cards or cars and small thing form the dollar store. I do think this would be a really nice thing to do for the kiddies. 


  1. I absolutely love this idea! It's been years since I've been trick or treating and I've wanted to go so badly. It's so much fun! This is awesome idea for the campus.

  2. I think that is a really sweet tradition to start!! :) Get the pun, SWEET? haha

  3. Elsie, I love the idea of taking Halloween to the children's wing of the hospital. That's really a wonderful thought. You could do that with other holidays as well--Valentine's Day, Easter, etc.
