Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why College?

           I decided to come to college because it seemed to be a doorway of opportunities for me. All my life I knew I needed to go to college, it wasn't an option. When I finally turned 18 I started having doubts about college. I wondered if it was the right decision, I already had a job and I felt as if going to college was leaving my family behind. But I was reassured by my family that going to college was the best thing I could do. Even if I could do nothing more than have a job and a home of my own so they don't have to support me.

           I specifically chose Converse College because I spoke to the Dean of the Arts (possibly another dean I can't really remember) and he told me to follow my dreams. If performing was what I wanted to do I should chase that dream. Because of him I decided to come here. After coming for my audition, I met some really cool people who I really thought genuinely cared about the school and wanted to share the "AMAZING" with other people. I remember going to other colleges (which I won't name) and when high school students came on a tour of campus the college students would "hide" or leave or make rude comments behind your back. But when I came to Converse everyone said they loved the school, I only found one person who said they didn't like it, and she said that because she didn't like the food. I love the general atmosphere around here and I hope it stays this way.

            I decided to study music in college at Converse because I do love all kinds of music especially when I sing or play the piano. When I can just be by myself and play anything that sound good to me and not feel fear or stress is the best feeling in the world. I always knew I was going to go to college for music, it runs in my family (my grandma conducted and sang and was a private piano teacher, my dad played in bands (harmonica), my sister plays violin and sings). I specifically chose converse because of the Dean (as I stated above) and the outstanding quality of the music program here.

             If I was a muppet I would be a musical muppet, I would probably be big and clunky (like Animal) and I would probably be a piano playing muppet. I would probably be crazy like Swedish Chef and no one could understand me because I spend so much time talking to myself about stuff no one else really cares about. :] Also I probably would not play the banjo, if I was talented enough to I would, but strings confuse me because I can't figure out where to put my fingers. :{
