Thursday, November 15, 2012

Final Project (Apple Peels)

Here's the link to the recording of my song. :]

Woke up on the wrong side of the bed,
Had a pounding ache in my head.
I was confused; I didn't know what to do.
Then I had a breakthrough.
When I came here I was way too shy.
My family was the one who made my life,
Now I know I have more than enough.

I don't know where to start, but I know how to follow my heart.
I'm gonna be the star that shines bright in the night.
Look in the mirror and see; I'm exactly where I need to be.
I'll follow the road that leads me to home, I'll be free.

Since being here I've learned how to open up.
I've learned that I'm not alone, and everyone can get stuck.
I've changed my mind about settling for less.
I'm just gonna go out there and face the world,
And one day at a time, I will follow my dreams,
I'll open my cage and sing on a stage.

I don't know where to start, but I know how to follow my heart.
I'm gonna be the star that shines bright, in the night.
Look in the mirror and see; I'm exactly where I need to be.
I'll follow the road that leads me to home, I'll be free.

And I washed away all of my fears.
And I cast away all of my tears.

Now I know where to start, and I'll always follow my heart.
I'll forever be the star that shines bright.
Look in the mirror and see; I'm exactly where I need to be.
I'll follow the road that leads me to home, I'll be free.
To be me.

Haha! Then is our rap. "Split Banana Face Face"

Who was I before College?
I was a beginning musician and I felt alone and scared and confused. When I first came to Converse I was sheepish and afraid to meet new people. My family and friends helped shape my social and people skills. My teacher and choir friends helped shape my music skills.

How have I changed?
I have learned to be open, brave, sociable, and to generally feel free. My value is to trust myself and reach for the thing I want more than anything no matter how impractical it may seem. I had to decide early in the semester between majoring in music and choosing to minor in music while getting a degree in something more secure. I realized that if I settle for less than what I want I'm just selling myself short. I'll never reach my goals with an attitude of "that's never going to happen." I now believe in myself and that I can accomplish anything I desire. My behavior has changed so now I talk to more people. If you want to be able to sing on Broadway you need to make some connections. I am here because I want to sing and be the best singer I can possibly be. By becoming more involved with other people I am enforcing my values and beliefs through working hard to become a better person and improving my weaknesses.

Where am I going?
My goals are to be a performer and sing on Broadway in New York. I'm going to practice as much as I can, I'm going to meet many new people, and I'm going to learn as much about music as I can. After college and grad school I plan on going to New York and playing and singing and auditioning every chance I get. After I leave school I want to be able to say that I am the very best I can be.

Why I chose song formation.
I decided to impart my information to the class through a song. Half-way because it was easiest for me and half-way because singing is deep in my heart. What better way to express my hopes and dreams and life then through the thing I love the most. Lyrics have never been my thing, I much rather writing catchy melodies and bass lines. I also think that portraying my life in a song opens the door to figurative language that everyone can relate to. So it can be more enjoyable to audience and they can understand the meaning behind the words if they can connect to the emotions.